Sophia Amoruso, the Founder of online fashion site Nasty Gal and author of the new book #GIRLBOSS, is not your typical executive.
Leaving home at age 17 with little money, no college experience and working as a security guard checking IDs at an art school, Amoruso started the Nasty Gal site in 2006 as a simple eBay project, selling vintage clothing. Eight years later, the company is named one fastest growing online retailers, with more than $100 million in revenues, and Amoruso is named one of Fortune’s 40 under 40 most influential young people in the business.
So, how did she get there and what can we learn from her? Thankfully, Amoruso has written a book (fittingly titled #GIRLBOSS) about her unconventional journey to becoming a #GirlBoss, why confidence played a major role in her success and her best advice for entrepreneurs. But, #GirlBoss is more than just a book. From cover to cover, it is chock full of inspiring quotes, business moves, and life advice. It’s inspiration. Part memoir, part informative guide and part a girl-power anthem, #GirlBoss offers a candid guide to starting a business and going after what you want, no matter what the odds.
Ready to be a #GIRLBOSS? Read on for 10 tips from the #GIRLBOSS book that every career-minded woman should know.
Tip 1: Be kind to everyone and be weird.
“It’s cool to be kind. It’s cool to be weird. It’s cool, to be honest, and to be secure with yourself.” Whether it’s your intern or your boss, be kind to everyone and always be honest. End of the day, if you always do right, you’re never in the wrong. The notion here is as simple as it sounds.
Tip 2: Look for the silver linings.
“There are secret opportunities hidden inside every failure.” If you focus too much on what went wrong in any situation, you will miss important learning opportunities.
Tip 3: Be your own idol.
“The energy you’ll expend focusing on someone else’s life is better spent working on your own. Just be your own idol.” We’ve all heard how dangerous it can be to focus too much on other people. Focus on yourself and you will see the benefits.
Tip 4: Just ask.
“If you’re frustrated because you’re not getting what you want, stop for a second: Have you actually flat-out asked for it? If you haven’t, stop complaining.” Sometimes you have to be blunt. Why would you expect to get exactly what you want without saying exactly what you want? Ask, and there’s a better chance that you will receive.
Tip 5: Be revolutionary on your own.
“The only way to support a revolution is to make your own.” Supporting a revolution may sound revolutionary, but it’s not. If you want to be an innovator, changemaker, badass #girlboss – anything, do your own thing and pave your own way. That is revolutionary.
Tip 6: Don’t hold yourself back.
“Abandon anything about your life and habits that might be holding you back. Race balls-out toward the extraordinary life that you’ve always dreamed of, or still haven’t had time to dream up. And prepare to have a hell of a lot of fun along the way.” Don’t hold yourself back. Life has so much to offer, and you’ll miss out on most of it if you don’t let yourself. Throw caution to the wind.
Tip 7: Trust the universe.
“While I truly believe that you must have intentions to fulfill your dreams, I also think you have to leave room for the universe to have its way and play around a bit.” It’s great to know what you want to accomplish in life, however, if you focus too much on your exact dreams you run the risk of missing out on other great opportunities that come up. Keep an open mind, and trust the universe.
Tip 8: Own it.
“You don’t get taken seriously by asking someone to take you seriously. You’ve got to show up and own it. If this is a man’s world, who cares? I’m still really glad to be a girl in it.” Be present, do your best and always stand by your word.
Tip 9: Learn to manage your money.
“What I have realized over time is that in many ways, money spells freedom. If you learn to control your finances, you won’t find yourself stuck in jobs, places, or relationships that you hate just because you can’t afford to go elsewhere.” Being in a financially stable position can open many windows – whether it be the literal windows in your dream apartment or job positions with a lower salary but great opportunity for growth. These are the opportunities you cannot afford to take if you aren’t financially stable.
Tip 10: Don’t focus too much on your title.
“The #GIRLBOSS who is willing to do a job that is below her—and above—is the one who stands out.” If we focus too much on our exact job titles or descriptions, we may not want to take assignments that we feel are below us, however, I know I would bounce at any opportunity to take a job that is seemingly above my position. We shouldn’t have a double standard. Doing any kind of work enthusiastically and thoroughly will make you stand out.
Scroll down to shop new arrivals from Nasty Gal!
This story is part of Style Salute’s Empowering Women and Workplaces initiative. Style Salute, a media company dedicated to helping women live a smarter and more stylish life, scouts experts from all over the world to help readers tackle big decision-making moments by giving them the information they need to make informed and empowered choices whether that in civic engagement, finance, career, health, wellness and more.
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The One Money-Habit All Wildly Successful Women Share
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