How to Write a Book in 10 Amazingly Simple Steps – Knowledge Share vs Memoir

Write a Book

When determining whether to create a memoir or a more traditional non-fiction book, authors really struggle. 

If you struggle between these two aspects, you should definitely read this article to get your answer, and through this article, you might discover why it is such a difficult choice when it comes to choosing between these two parts. 

Since many authors want to share their stories with readers while also imparting helpful information, their books frequently attempt to accomplish two goals simultaneously. 

Which one is correct? Your goals for the book will determine the response; hence, after setting your goal, you may actually make a choice. 

Read this article to learn how we outline how to write a book: knowledge sharing vs. memoir.

The Differences between Knowledge Share and Memoir

There are two major categories of non-fiction. The two primary categories of non-fiction books are knowledge sharing and memoirs. The author’s intent when writing the book and the reader’s intent when purchasing it are what distinguish these two categories of books

Information-sharing non-fiction: Any non-fiction book you write with te intention of aiding readers in issue-solving or bringing about change is considered knowledge-share non-fiction. 

You’re essentially writing it to impart your knowledge. Self-help and personal development books fall under this category as well. Basically, a knowledge-share book is any book that focuses on improving readers’ lives. On the other hand, a Memoir non-fiction book about you is called a memoir. Your goal in writing it is to tell your narrative.

Knowledge-Sharing Non-Fiction

In a knowledge-sharing book, the author intends to provide a particular value, and the reader intends to make use of that value. For example, it would be about fixing a problem and informing the audience.

Memoir Nonfiction

In a memoir, the author hopes to inspire or amuse the reader by telling their own story. The reader wants the audience to be emotionally moved and amused, but in the most particular way, with stories that evoke pathos in the audience’s mind.

For example, millions of copies of The Untethered Soul were sold when Michael Singer published it. It is frequently hailed as the ultimate guide to understanding meditation and attaining enlightenment.

When writing a story, it’s important that you understand if the story will inspire your audience or not and result in the possibility of your audience being inspired by your story.

Throughout the book, the author offers fragments of his personal life. Still, they are all carefully picked to further his main objective of teaching others how to exactly meditate and achieve enlightenment. It can be found in the self-help section of bookstores.

Writing Story to Inspire Others or Informing the Audience?

The Surrender Experiment, a book detailing how the same author personally attained enlightenment, was also written by him. Although the subject matter is extremely similar, his travel is the main focus.

It is all, in reality, his story. And he doesn’t provide the reader with any step-by-step directions or advice that sounds like “here’s how to exactly do this by yourself.” Such a book can be found in the memoir section that contains that book.

This supports my argument: Because readers will still want to know exactly what sort of book it is before determining whether or not to buy it, you should choose one principal direction for your work.

Will the students learn anything new? Or will reading about your own life narrative teach them something about themselves? Your book shouldn’t try to teach the reader what to get out of it if your primary goal in creating it was to entertain or move them with a story. Share your personal experience and let the reader choose what lessons to draw.

The Last Black Unicorn by Tiffany Haddish doesn’t try to teach the reader what to take away from it or offer any specific lessons or how-tos. It can be found in the memoirs section. Each type of non-fiction serves a specific purpose.

In case if you already have a book and are looking for a reliable publishing house, you can check out how-to books and have a good experience.

Nonfiction Book You Can Go for

There is no right or wrong response to this query. Everything hinges on the goals you have for your book.

A knowledge-sharing book is typically the best if your main objective is business-related. For instance, David Goggins wanted his own book to make him a recognized expert in the self-help field, increasing his particular speaking fees and drawing more attention to him.

It has completely achieved all of that and perhaps even more. His book has gotten so much attention that an Audible advertisement recently mentioned it.

A memoir is typically what you write if your main objective is to advance yourself personally. Are you hoping that telling your story will help you grow personally? Do you believe that while not necessarily teaching someone a specific skill, the narrative may nevertheless benefit or inspire them? If it describes you, you probably need to write a memoir.

Both can be written, but only one at a time. Follow Michael Singer’s example if you are willing to achieve both of those objectives: teaching others how to do something as well as sharing your narrative to advance your own particular and personal development.


Overall, telling a story or persuading someone with information is incredible. 

And we hope that the tips we mentioned above about writing a memoir or gaining knowledge through a book will help you in the journey of writing a book and will help you choose which field of writing you would go for or prefer. 

We also hope that this article on how to write a book (knowledge sharing vs. memoir) was helpful to you. 


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