Clear Coffee is Here and It Won’t Stain Your Teeth

Two Slovakian brothers, Adam and David Nagy, have decided that we really shouldn’t have to bear the signs of our coffee cravings on our smile, prompting them to create CLR CFF, “the first colorless coffee in the world.” I know what you’re thinking: “But, how…and why?”

David Nagy explained the logic behind their new beverage, “We are heavy coffee drinkers. Like many other people, we struggled with the teeth stains caused by it. There was nothing on the market that would suit our needs so we decided to create our own recipe. And because of the hectic lifestyle we lead, we wanted to make a refreshing ready-to-drink coffee which provides the boost but is low in calories.”

While the details of their “looks like water, tastes like coffee” recipe is strictly confidential, we do know that this impressive drink contains freshly roasted Arabica beans and zero chemicals were used in the production process. The brothers have not released any further information as to how they turned coffee into a clear liquid.

For the immediate future, CLR CFF is only available to U.K.  at £5.99 (about $7.50) for two 200-milliliter bottles or through their website.

Here’s hoping it makes its way across the pond soon but in the meantime, I’ve learned from personal experience that Crest 3D Whitening Mouthwash works amazingly to remove those pesky teeth stains.   


Reformation Launches Its First Swimwear Collection — And It’s So Good

Made-in-Los Angeles, eco-friendly label Reformation is arguably the fashion world’s #1 destination for super comfortable clothing that’s chic, sustainable, and always on trend. And now, the blogger favorite brand is bringing its eco-chic coolness to yet another area of your wardrobe: The label just released its first ever swim line — and brace your wallets because it’s so good!

Do you feel great in one piece swimsuits? Or do you usually usually strut to the beach in a two piece? From pretty gingham prints to lightweight stretchy sustainable swimsuit fabric (85% recycled polyamide, 20% elasthane), there are so many cute pieces to choose from for every body type. “Our girls have been asking for swim pretty much since day one, so we’re excited to finally make it happen,” Yael Aflalo, Reformation’s founder, told Refinery29 of the impetus to launch the collection. Thank you, Yaya! Adding to cart now.

Scroll down to shop Ref’s first-ever swimwear collection!

How I Met The Love of My Life on a Backpacking Trip to Costa Rica — and Now I’m Moving

Last year, I was blessed enough to meet my life partner, my love.

Wandering through the lands of Costa Rica with absolutely no plans, my dream backpacking trip.

Literally, the first sunset of my trip, before I had time to even meet or talk to anyone there, I looked out and said to myself, I think I could live here, I think I could really make it work here. Something in my soul felt more at home than it ever had, and I knew I had hit on something special and worth observing. I decided to practice ultimate presence during my trip, and surrender to the flow, with no expectations. I spent days falling asleep to the songs of tropical birds, and mingling in the hostels with people from around the world, and lounging on the hot sands, moving to a new location every 2 days. Reading, writing, meditating, observing, healing, flowing.

I said I had no plans, but I actually had one reservation for about 2 weeks on my trip. I wanted to stay at Casa Zen, a little yoga hostel on the Northern peninsula of the country that was accessible by water taxi. It was literally the only reservation I had made. Great Spirit was calling me there, almost pulling is what it felt more like, actually. In one moment of almost passing by one another, in a crowd full of hundreds of people, under a big full moon, we both turned around simultaneously and locked eyes. It all started with an: “hola” and a smile, a glimpse in time and a moment of soul recognition.

I could write a novel it seems, so much happened on this trip, and the following months. Small details and powerful occurrences, but what I am trying to share is that I met my love and my partner, and for the past year have been on the most amazing adventure.

Our story is interesting and slightly unconventional for sure, but every obstacle we have encountered in our short time together has made us stronger and shown us what we are both really made of, and what we really want out of life.

Three months ago we eloped on the beach in Nicaragua. He made me a flower crown, we were barefoot, we didn’t match, we had local friends purifying our union with sage and palo santo, a giant rainbow blessing in the background, it was our own, and it was perfect.

In 2 weeks I’m moving to Costa Rica to begin my dream life with my loving, strong, warrior of a hubby. I have no idea where this adventure will take us, and the cool thing is that life is amazing and hard and beautiful and full of the unknown, but that’s what makes it magical. Stay tuned for future Costa Rica healing retreat adventures on the horizon.

Namaste, Love, and Ultimate Light.

Have you ever gone on a backpacking trip and had an amazing revelation? Share it with us in the comments below!

11 Things To Do Instead of Late-Night Snacking

Do you ever get hungry before bed? Me too, and surprise– we’re not alone. The late-night hunger cravings are all too real. Indeed, a study published in the most recent version of the journal Obesity found that the circadian system (aka our body’s internal clock), increases hunger and cravings for sweet, starchy and salty foods in the evenings. And while you might think you’re safe if you exercise daily, it turns out people who indulge in mindless snacking late night–especially high-calorie foods and beverages–are more likely to be overweight or obese. This isn’t such great news for those of us trying to watch our weight.

So the question on our minds now: What do we do to stop snacking? While researchers can’t quite answer this one, we’re certain mindful distraction works. In order to get to the bottom what should be an easy problem to solve, I reached out to my college community at USC for some healthy ways to avoid my own midnight munching habits. As it turns out, there are a lot of things we can do late-night to avoid snacking.

Ahead, see what 11 college students do instead of giving into the tummy rumbles.


Feeling bored and can’t seem to sleep? Keep your hands busy by painting your nails in fun colors. That way you can’t snack since the polish takes a while to dry – now that’s smart.

Nail Lacquer
Tom Ford Nail Lacquer 36
Nail Polish
Deborah Lippmann Nail Polish 18
 Nail Lacquer
OPI Nail Lacquer 10


A very efficient way to keep busy, because let’s be honest, when was the last time you actually did this?

Screen Cleaning Kit
Belkin Screen Cleaning Kit 6.74
Laptop Bag
Kate Spade Laptop Bag 298
Laptop Case
Henri Bendel Laptop Case 74
 Laptop Sleeve
Marc Jacobs Laptop Sleeve 59.99

3. Doodle, Draw, or Color

Doodling and coloring is one of the best ways to exercise the right side of your brain. Coloring books aren’t just for young ones, it’s for all of us. Brit Morin, CEO and founder of Brit + Co, says that doodling can help you generate fresh ideas. when you’ve got a bad case of writer’s block.

NYC Coloring Book
Workman Publishing NYC Coloring Book 9.99
 Doodle Box
Urban Outfitters Doodle Box 10
TJ Maxx Sketchbook 12.99


Another therapeutic way to distract yourself from snacking is keeping a journal. Whether you’re writing random thoughts, a poem, a love note, or song lyrics, writing is a great way to wind down before sleeping.

Kate Spad Notebook 16
Smythson Notebook 80
Rifle Paper Co Notebook 15


Pampering yourself is always fun. Tissue masks are especially great for treating your skin. They’re the perfect pick-me-up for instant radiance.

 Vitamin C Mask
Andalou Naturals Vitamin C Mask 4.99
 Tissue Mask
Daily Wonders Tissue Mask 5.50
 Ginseng Shot Mask
Erborian Ginseng Shot Mask 7.50


Make sure all your earring backs are put on and all the pairs are matching. And don’t get me started on the laborious task of untangling necklaces – it’ll definitely keep you occupied.

Pendent Necklace
Rachel Zoe Pendent Necklace 75
Tassel Earrings
Kate Spade Tassel Earrings 98
 Gold Cuff
Elizabeth and James Gold Cuff 195


Perhaps braids are going to be your new style, or beachy waves. Curl, straighten, twist, clip – the options are endless!

Flower Headband
Oscar De La Renta Flower Headband 169.99
 Heated Hair Straightening Brush
Instyler Heated Hair Straightening Brush 59.99
LIZ CLAIBORNE Liz Claiborne Hair Pins
Liz Claiborne LIZ CLAIBORNE Liz Claiborne Hair Pins 24


Swap eating for learning. Any takers for ancient Roman history or motivational talks?

Happy Plugs Headphones 34.99
Shearling Headphones
UGG Australia Shearling Headphones 109
 'The Taylor' Headphones
Frends ‘The Taylor’ Headphones 126


Yoga is one of the best things to do before bed. Simply stretching out your muscles will do wonders for your body and mind.

Yoga Mat
Yoga Design Lab Yoga Mat 49

10. READ

Reading is a great way to distract. Whether you’re reading a magazine or an autobiography, reading can help open your mind to new ideas and is a great way to keep busy at night. Scroll down for books I like to keep on my bedstand.

Build Successful Relationships in Every Area of Your Life—Here’s How

When she’s not in a courtroom, mindfulness expert and attorney, Mona Tashroudian, shares her healthy living secrets in our “Ask a Mindfulness Expert” column. Come back the second Monday of each month for Tashroudian’s actionable tips to help you on your journey to becoming your healthiest, happiest self.

It’s in the air: spring is finally, officially here. The sense of warmer, brighter, and greener days that make you want to just let the outdoors in. In the same way, spring is the perfect time to invite new, meaningful habits into your life. One habit, with benefits to last a lifetime, is building successful relationships that connect on a deep level.

For some, and for me in particular, connecting with others exposes the true meaning of life and happiness. I find that in my moments of being engaged and truly connected with others, I am most at ease, most happy, and most content.

Unfortunately, however, maneuvering the perils of friendships and love in the digital age are more difficult than ever before. We rarely call friends on the phone or meet in person to catch up. Most of us are content with the simplicity of following a friend on various social media platforms, which undoubtedly makes us feel plugged into some part of their life. However convenient social media and technology may be to staying “in the know”, it sacrifices our innate desire to connect with people around us.To see them, to feel their presence and energy, to look them in the eyes, and to laugh with them. Without these moments of connection, we are merely passing the days, staying informed about what is going on in people’s lives, shuffling from one agenda to the next.

Building successful relationships in life require us to tap into what really makes the other person feel valued—the little details he or she will appreciate and feel. ‘Whether it’s your love life, business life, or friendships—building successful relationships follows pretty much the same rules of building deeper connections.

Ahead, read 3 tips on small ways you can be proactive about your cultivating deeper connections in your life.

1. Listen to connect, not to comment.

Chronicles of Her PHOTO: Chronicles of Her

This sounds simple, but it’s incredibly difficult. Learning to listen mindfully means being present, and entirely in tune with the other person. The stage is theirs, and you are just an observer in the audience, listening mindfully.
Do not interrupt or interject your own ideas or viewpoints, just be present. I was first introduced to mindful listening at a mindfulness retreat a few years ago. The exercise consisted of me and a partner, taking turns speaking for 3 minutes—sans any interruption from the listener. I thought this would be easy for me. After all, I was nominated “peer counselor of the year” in high school. But boy, was this harder than I thought.
After only 30 seconds into the exercise, I wanted so badly to express my own feelings and opinion about what my partner was saying. I soon realized that, like too many of us, I was listening with half an ear, preoccupied and not fully present. The problem here is that as involved humans, we tend to listen with bias—trying to connect what the other person is saying to our own experience.
I urge you to try this exercise. Pick any topic, and ask a partner/friend/sibling to just listen to you. Then do the same. Let there be silence. Let there be eye contact. Take this practice into your everyday—at work, at school, throughout life. Listen to connect, not to comment.

2. Learn to be compassionate.

Sandra Semburg PHOTO: Sandra Semburg

I personally struggle with this one. It is not because I don’t know how to be compassionate, but quite the opposite— I am too compassionate. “Compassion” means “to suffer together.” Suffice it to say I often take on the feelings and emotions of others, and take on their suffering as if it is my own. As you can imagine, doing so is draining and exhausting.

Recently, however, I have come to learn that being compassionate and showing compassion does not mean that one needs to suffer the pains of another to connect. Quite the contrary is true. Being compassionate to a fellow human means showing them you understand where they are coming from. This can be done through facial expressions, sharing similar problems and solutions, making eye contact, and listening intently (read #1). Just being there, and present is often more than enough. Compassion, coupled with kindness, will lead to the deepest of connections.

3. Practice acts of kindness.

It only takes a moment, a small act, or a few words to be kind. We all like it when people are nice or kind to us, so learn to be that person for others. However big or small your act of kindness may be, it will never go unnoticed.

As they say, we are all connected. Taking it a step further, when you act kind, take a moment to feel the gratitude YOU would feel if you were the one receiving your kindness. Putting yourself in the “other person’s shoes” helps you to connect further with the recipient of your kind act. For example, buy your friend his/her favorite pastry on a lousy day. Then, imagine how nice it would feel if someone acted that way toward you.
Feel those feelings and let them sit with you. Other things you can do include, but by no means are limited to, buying lunch or coffee for a friend, sending a nice note to a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while, or complimenting a friend or stranger. Just be nice—and create an abundance of good feelings. The good vibes will continue and connect you with all things wonderful – and all people who are wonderful!

Now discover eight tips building great business relationships.

The Star Freckles Trend You Need To Try This Festival Season

With festival season upon us, it’s got us thinking about what the big trend is this year. Who could forget the flower crowns of 2015 and the choker resurgence of 2016? With there being one defining trend every year, we’re calling what this year’s hot trend is. While there are few out there, there is one, in particular, that we are so excited to try this year: celestial star freckles.

Star freckles have quickly become a thing on Instagram and is trending in a big way on Pinterest. We tried the look ourselves on our Snapchat channel last week and LOVED IT! It’s fun, super easy—and just so pretty.

Keep scrolling to get inspired—plus see what you’ll need to get the look for yourself!


1. Star confetti

2. Glitter glue

3. Tweezers


Using your tweezers, pick up a star lightly, tap it onto the glue until it’s tacky, and then stick on your face—Taaa-da! There are no rules to where you should place the stars—that’s where the celestial comes in. Have fun and create your own galaxy!

Will you try the star confetti makeup trend? Tell us in the comments below! Next, discover the most flattering ways to wear boho-chic!